The Purpose, Passion, and Mission Conference speaks to the very heart of God and people’s desire for meaning in this life. Each of the plenary and workshop sessions gives voice to the work of God in various cultural settings. After the conference, participants may continue to have access to the recorded plenary, workshop, and panel discussion presentations. Participants will also continue to have access to downloadable materials from the presenters and the sponsors. Each of the tracks provides materials that can be used in a variety of settings. Participants can log into the conference site and play presentations and use the materials for their personal use or for use with other Christian believers in a variety of settings.

The Theology Track provides a focus on aligning your passion with the mission of God. The presenters discuss the mission of God as demonstrated in scripture and how people from various walks of life were sent by God to join in His work. A major emphasis is upon the missio dei and the story of redemption and how current followers of Jesus can join in the mission of God in the world.

The Spirituality Track invites participants to see Jesus in their everyday lives. The presenters examine how recognizing Jesus’ presence everywhere challenges His followers to live their faith outside church culture and become conduits of grace to others. The speakers draw connections between spiritual transformation and various forms of missional engagement in the community.

The Witness Track encourages participants to incarnate the gospel of restoration through presence, proclamation, and persuasion in diverse cultural situations.  The presenters illustrate these aspects from stories of religious conversion in early Christianity,  among Muslim adherents in western societies, by Christian African migrants in New Zealand, and from biblical examples in urban settings.

The Lifestyle Track defines missional living in terms of embodying the presence of Jesus in our relationships at work, school, play, and home. The presentations begin with the plenary session that illustrates this central truth from the life of Jesus as he was dining with others. The speakers call Christian believers to move out to the world through a missional lifestyle. They illustrate how to live missionally through marketplace ministry, being a family on mission, as artists among the arts community, and into the social margins of neopagan culture.

And lastly, the Disciplemaking Track seeks to reframe discipleship in terms of the blessing of our individual vocations that may be transformed into a missional vocation. The speakers encourage participants to identify their uniqueness in Christ and practically “create space” that serves to transform their work environment, school, neighborhood and community. Speakers link this needed transformation to spiritual genealogy among millennials and the military. Participants go back to the scripture to frame this mission-shaped disciplemaking in terms of joining God’s work in redemption, reconciliation, restoration, and renewal – — —  the very re-creation of all things.

The content of 30 presentations – plenaries, workshops, and panel discussions – provide participants with ample material to coach, mentor, and facilitate others in merging their faith, career, and mission.

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